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air conditioning
Could solid-state refrigerants become a viable replacement for current air conditioning and other cooling technologies?
Could air conditioning be made more sustainable by using propane as refrigerant?
The “Cold Tube” can cut air conditioning energy consumption by up to 50 percent
A system that uses solar energy to provide air conditioning across an entire campus
Carbon-neutral synthetic fuels from air conditioning systems – Crowd Oil
Refrigerators and air conditioners could run on an eco-friendly solid material instead of gases
Could this be the most promising alternative technology to existing heat pumps or refrigerators?
Friendly cooling technology works without mechanical compressors or chemical refrigerants, and generates drinking water
Air conditioning without electricity at Stanford
A scalable manufactured metamaterial that COOLS 24/7 with no electricity or water usage
Ceiling panel cooling system uses up to 70 percent less electricity
With This Self-Cooling Roof, You Might Not Need AC
Squeeze to Remove Heat: Elastocaloric Materials Enable More Efficient, ‘Green’ Cooling
3D-printed bricks can cool a room with water
An Israeli Company Has Created Water Out of Thin Air
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