Consumer Electronics Glass Innovation to Transform Industry

They’re all about to come to market over the next two years . . .

It’s hard to think of glass as an area of rapid technology evolution. But it’s one of the central technologies that will bring us incredible innovations over the next couple of years.

A combination of new technology, plus a strong desire on the part of major companies to transform glass, will affect nearly every category of consumer electronics, from smart watches to phones to tablets to desktop computers to smart homes and offices.

Hundreds of companies and organizations are working on the coming glass revolution. But here are four companies and one university that announced serious breakthroughs recently, shattering old ideas about what’s possible with glass.

  • Google’s Sebastian Thrun appeared this week on the Charlie Rose program, and demonstrated Google‘s Project Glass for the first time in public.
  • Apple is totally smitten with the idea of curved glass.
  • Microsoft’s predictions are all based on what current research will make possible or affordable in the future. Many of these ideas are based on major breakthroughs in the cost, quality and functionality of glass.
  • Corning has another glass technology that could really change things for consumer technology. The new glass is both flexible and very thin. The flexibility enables the manufacturing process to resemble how plastic is made, on factory rollers. It has all the scratch- and heat-resistance of glass.
  • MIT researchers this week announced a breakthrough in glass technology that solves the glare problem. The glass has a revolutionary surface pattern made of nano-scale cones of glass.

Read more . . .

via  PCWorld – Mike Elgan

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