Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT)

Beijing University of Chemical Technology (abbreviated as BUCT), is a technological university in mainland China.

Carbon-fiber-based composite materials can now be self-healing and much longer lasting

An early alarm for forest fires using self-powered paper chips

3D-printable magnetic liquid devices for the fabrication of flexible electronics or that deliver targeted drug therapies

Revolutionary material could lead to 3D-printable magnetic liquid devices for the fabrication of flexible electronics, or artificial cells that deliver targeted drug therapies to diseased cells Inventors of centuries past and scientists of today have found ingenious ways to make our lives better with magnets – from the magnetic needle on a compass to magnetic data

3D-printable magnetic liquid devices for the fabrication of flexible electronics or that deliver targeted drug therapies

Reducing the costs of catalysts for production of hydrogen as a renewable fuel

Research could lower cost, accelerate production of renewable hydrogen fuel New guidelines laid down by Nebraska and Chinese researchers could steer the design of less costly, more efficient catalysts geared toward revving up the production of hydrogen as a renewable fuel. Nebraska’s Xiao Cheng Zeng and colleagues have identified several overlooked factors critical to the

Reducing the costs of catalysts for production of hydrogen as a renewable fuel

Wireless handheld spectrometer costs less than $300 and can enable remote medical diagnostics

Spectral images, which contain more color information than is obtainable with a typical camera, reveal characteristics of tissue and other biological samples that can’t be seen by the naked eye. A new smartphone-compatible device that is held like a pencil could make it practical to acquire spectral images of everyday objects and may eventually be

Wireless handheld spectrometer costs less than $300 and can enable remote medical diagnostics

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Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) Research
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