BBC Research & Development

It has responsibility for researching and developing advanced and emerging media technologies for the benefit of the corporation, and wider UK and European media industries, and is also the technical design authority for a number of major technical infrastructure transformation projects for the UK broadcasting industry.

What is the immersive news experience really all about?

A virtual reality scenario called “We Wait” gives people an immersive experience of the plight of refugees waiting to be picked up by a boat on a shore in Turkey to be illegally taken to Europe, crossing a dangerous stretch of sea. This was based on BBC news reporting of the refugee situation, but deliberately

What is the immersive news experience really all about?

BBC would like to teach the world to code, in perfect harmony

An ambitious nationwide technology initiative will encourage the public to take up computer programming, new BBC director general announced on Tuesday. Reviving the spirit of its acclaimed 1980s home computer the BBC Micro, the corporation wants to address the UK’s technology skills shortage by inspiring both children and adults to explore computer science and creative

BBC would like to teach the world to code, in perfect harmony

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