weight loss

A new approach to weight loss and diabetes prevention via an anti-inflammatory protein

UNC School of Medicine researchers led by Jenny Ting, PhD, and colleagues, publish a new

Serendipitous discovery: Cancer drugs spark significant weight loss in mice without toxic effects

Scientific investigations sometimes result in serendipitous discoveries which shift the investigations from one focus to

Adenosine can melt “love handles”

Researchers at the University of Bonn discover a new signaling pathway to combat excess body

Spinach Extract Helps Weight Loss by Decreasing Cravings

A spinach extract containing green leaf membranes called thylakoids decreases hedonic hunger with up to

Fighting fat with Botox

You may know Botox from its use by the rich and famous to eliminate facial

The Smarter Science of Slim

From the Amazon description: As our knowledge of the human body becomes ever more exact,