vitamin D

New genetic research shows a direct link between dementia and a lack of vitamin D
via The Lancet New genetic research shows a direct link between dementia and a lack
Could LED-based UV irradiation prevent the loss of bone and muscle mass associated with aging?
via Nagoya University Could LED-based UV irradiation prevent the loss of bone and muscle mass
COVID-19 mortality rates could be affected by Vitamin D levels
covid backman Vitamin D Credit: Rodney Coates COVID-19 mortality rates could be affected by Vitamin
Vitamin D can help cancer patients live longer

Michigan State University physicians have found that vitamin D, if taken for at least three

A newly discovered role for Vitamin D could have science fiction ramifications

New research from Portland State University finds vitamin D, or a lack thereof can trigger or

Link between vitamin D and dementia risk confirmed

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a substantially increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

Mouse studies reveal promising vitamin D-based treatment for MS

A diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) is a hard lot. Patients typically get the diagnosis

Researchers discover mushrooms can provide as much vitamin D as supplements

Mushrooms are another good natural food source for vitamin D Researchers from Boston University School

Vitamin D Replacement Improves Muscle Efficiency

“Our findings in a small group of patients with very low vitamin D levels show