video gaming

Can a video game change the brain and improve empathy?

A space-exploring robot crashes on a distant planet. In order to gather the pieces of

Video games can have lasting impact on learning

A computer-based brain training program developed at Yale University helps improve student performance in reading

Violent video games eventually lose their ability to produce guilt in gamers

UB research part of study arc to determine why this is happening Rapidly advancing technology

People conform to the norm – even if the norm is a computer

Researchers explore the effect of journeying through the artificial, virtual world of video gaming Often

New Study Recommends Using Active Videogaming (“Exergaming”) to Improve Children’s Health

Active console video games that track player movement to control the game Levels of physical

UC San Diego Computer Scientists Develop First-person Player Video Game that Teaches How to Program in Java

Computer scientists at the University of California, San Diego, have developed an immersive, first-person player

3D Headset and Treadmill Combo Make Video Games Feel Real

Forget haptic feedback. When combined, two pieces of virtual-reality tech offer an immersive gaming experience