sustainable materials

Using natural ingredients produced by marine microbes as alternatives to petrochemical agents currently being used
via Heriot-Watt University Using natural ingredients produced by marine microbes as alternatives to petrochemical agents
Using wood to make sustainable plastics
The new polymer is made using xylose, a sugar found in wood. (Credit: Leszek Kobusinski)
Housing alternative: Using a 3D printer to create a load-bearing structure made with local soil
Scientists have developed a method to 3D print structures using local soil. Credit: Aayushi Bajpayee
A low-carbon energy future depends on sustainable metals and minerals
Graphic indicating countries accounting for the largest share of critical raw materials Article Highlights The
Creating sustainable paint from recycled plastic

Experts have managed to mimic the colour of the Cyphochilus beetle’s scales one of the brightest whites

A new process to make sustainable rubber and plastics from renewable sources

Researchers invent process to make sustainable rubber, plastics Synthetic rubber and plastics – used for