surveillance tool

New technology recognizes people based on partial images

NEC Corporation today announced the development of a “Person Re-identification Technology” that is capable of matching

Transforming a smart device into a surveillance tool using music

As smartphones, tablets, smart TVs and other smart devices become more prevalent in our lives,

A new way to detect if your phone is under surveillance

Modern cell phones are vulnerable to attacks from rogue cellular transmitters called IMSI-catchers — surveillance

Dartmouth Team Uses Smart Light to Track Human Behavior Continuously in Real Time

Using the power of the light around us, Dartmouth College researchers have significantly improved their

Softball-sized camera can be tossed into unseen areas, sends panoramic images back to a smartphone

Unseen areas are troublesome for police and first responders: Rooms can harbor dangerous gunmen, while

Person of Interest: Moving Cameras Talk to Each Other to Identify, Track Pedestrians

It’s not uncommon to see cameras mounted on store ceilings, propped up in public places

Seeking Online Refuge From Spying Eyes

It’s a troubling image, one that some fear might not be limited to works of

A Cheap Spying Tool With a High Creepy Factor

Brendan O’Connor is a security researcher. How easy would it be, he recently wondered, to