stem cells

Stem cells restore long-term vision in mice using regenerative vision therapy

via Glaucoma Research Foundation Buck scientists restore long-term vision in blind mice, making a case for

Investigators now can grow parts of the human stomach to study disease and model new treatments

Researchers Can Grow Functional Stomach and Intestinal Tissues to Study Diseases, New Drugs Scientists report

Synthetic version of a cardiac stem cell could reduce stem cell therapy risks

Researchers from North Carolina State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and

First human trial for a “living bandage” made from stem cells for meniscal tears

A ‘living bandage’ made from stem cells, which could revolutionise the treatment and prognosis of

First functional pacemaker cells for biological pacemaker therapy holds the promise of a lifelong cure

Scientists from the McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University Health Network, have developed the first

Programming of stem cells to make motor neurons

Mechanisms underlying direct programming of stem cells could eventually lead to cell-replacement therapies A team

Genome engineering paves way for sickle cell cure

A team of physicians and laboratory scientists has taken a key step toward a cure

Researchers use stem cells to grow 3-D lung-in-a-dish

FINDINGS By coating tiny gel beads with lung-derived stem cells and then allowing them to

Embryonic gene Nanog reverses aging in adult stem cells

The discovery may lead to treatments for atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s and other age-related disorders The

Grow a living hip replacement and fight arthritis as well

Technique uses 3-D weaving to grow a living hip replacement With a goal of treating

Regenerating Memory with Neural Stem Cells

Researchers look for better ways to reduce memory loss in people with age-related disorders Although

MS breakthrough: Replacing diseased immune system halts progression and allows repair

Clinical trial suggests chemo and blood stem cell combination therapy should be considered for people

Stem cells from diabetic patients coaxed to become insulin-secreting cells

If damaged cells are replaceable, type 1 diabetics wouldn’t need insulin shots Signaling a potential

A vitamin that stops the aging process of organs

Nicotinamide riboside rejuvenates stem cells, allowing better regeneration processes in aged mice Nicotinamide riboside (NR)

New hope for spinal cord injuries

Stem cells have been used successfully, for the first time, to promote regeneration after injury