stem cells

Can some teeth be brought back from the dead using stem cells from baby teeth?

A successful Phase 1 clinical trial in China, co-led by School of Dental Medicine researcher

Real progress in treating Crohn’s disease is possible

A clinical trial has begun which will use stem cell transplants to grow a new

New stem cell work raises hopes for regenerative therapies that could heal currently intractable lung diseases

Stanford scientists have found a cell that creates the two different compartments in the mouse

Personalised stem cell treatment may offer relief for progressive MS

Scientists have shown in mice that skin cells re-programmed into brain stem cells, transplanted into

Cells that enable the sense of touch created from stem cells for the first time

Researchers are the first to create sensory interneurons from stem cells Researchers at the Eli and

An aggressive stem cell transplant regimen provides hope for a debilitating and lethal autoimmune disorder

Adding irradiation before transplant improves long-term results and should change practice Scleroderma with internal organ

A first step forward towards slowing the aging process and treating age-related diseases

Scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine have found that stem cells in the brain’s hypothalamus govern

Electric fields can be used to guide neural stem cells transplanted into a rat brain to repair brain damage

Electric fields can be used to guide neural stem cells transplanted into the brain toward a

Loss of muscle stem cells is the main driving force behind muscle decline in old age in mice

University of Rochester Medical Center researchers have discovered that loss of muscle stem cells is

Success in generating cartilage tissue by printing stem cells using a 3D-bioprinter

A team of researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy has managed to generate cartilage tissue by printing

Edited stem cells fight inflammation caused by arthritis and other chronic conditions

Goal is vaccine that targets inflammation in joints Using new gene-editing technology, researchers have rewired

Accelerated healing: Alerting stem cells to hurry up and heal

Accelerated healing isn’t just for superheroes. A new study in Cell Reports suggests a way

New technology could lead to a better way to differentiate stem cells for nerve regrowth

Researchers looking for ways to regenerate nerves can have a hard time obtaining key tools

Important step toward growing donor organs and replacement tissues to combat aging and diseases

Salk scientists expand ability of stem cells to regrow any tissue type The new technique,