space exploration

3D-printed spacecraft parts made and assembled in orbit

NASA has awarded a $73.7 million contract to Made In Space, Inc. of Mountain View,

How to make breathable oxygen with a new kind of comet-inspired chemistry

Science fiction stories are chock full of terraforming schemes and oxygen generators for a very

The stress of spaceflight can reactivate viruses such as Herpes, putting future deep-space missions in jeopardy

The stress of spaceflight gives viruses a holiday from immune surveillance, putting future deep-space missions

Space update: A number of 2D materials can not only withstand being sent into space, but potentially thrive in the harsh conditions

A new study from The Australian National University (ANU) has found a number of 2D

Steam-powered microwave-size spacecraft prototype can theoretically explore celestial objects “forever”

By using steam rather than fuel, the microwave-size spacecraft prototype can theoretically explore celestial objects

CHIME telescope detects second repeating fast radio burst every recorded

Detections of FRBs at low frequencies also provide a new clue to the astrophysical puzzle

The plant hormone strigolactone could make space farming possible

With scarce nutrients and weak gravity, growing potatoes on the Moon or on other planets

A spinning heat shield for future spacecraft could reduce the cost of space travel

A University of Manchester PhD student has developed a prototype flexible heat shield for spacecraft

It is now possible to capture images from the ground that are sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope

ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) has achieved first light with a new adaptive optics mode

Lava tubes could provide protected habitats large enough to house streets on Mars

Lava tubes, underground caves created by volcanic activity, could provide protected habitats large enough to

Nuclear thermal propulsion can deliver large payloads to distant worlds

As NASA pursues innovative, cost-effective alternatives to conventional propulsion technologies to forge new paths into

New evidence for a lot of water in the Moon’s interior

Using satellite data, Brown researchers have for the first time detected widespread water within ancient

Expandable space habitat technology is on test and on the BEAM

Halfway into its planned two-year demonstration attached to the International Space Station, the Bigelow Expandable

Space farming gets real on the way to Mars

Following a new NASA bill, passed in March by the US Congress and which authorizes

Opportunity for students to participate in the nanosatellite technology space race

AlbertaSat will bring home world-class data using smaller-than-ever instruments with the fluxgate magnetometer on the