solar energy

New Method for Converting Solar Energy into Electrical Power Using Photo-bioelectrochemical Cells

A new paradigm for the development of photo-bioelectrochemical cells has been reported in the journal

Storage advance may boost solar thermal energy potential

Engineers at Oregon State University have identified a new approach for the storage of concentrated

Entanglement at heart of ‘two-for-one’ singlet fission could double solar cell output

The mechanism behind a process known as singlet fission, which could drive the development of

New way to store solar energy could lead to more common solar cell usage

Researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology have developed a relatively inexpensive and simple

High-efficiency, high-reliability perovskite solar cells getting ready for mass production

Researchers in Japan succeeded in producing highly reproducible and highly stable perovskite solar cells by

Inspired by art, lightweight solar cells track the sun

Solar cells capture up to 40 percent more energy when they can track the sun

Butterflies heat up the field of solar research with up to 50 percent increase

The humble butterfly could hold the key to unlocking new techniques to make solar energy

Reshaping the solar spectrum to turn light to electricity

UC Riverside researchers find a way to use the infrared region of the sun’s spectrum

Start of test with solar energy generating noise barriers alongside highway

Alongside the A2 highway near Den Bosch two test noise barriers are installed that generate

Nanowires give ‘solar fuel cell’ efficiency a tenfold boost

A solar cell that produces fuel rather than electricity. Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology

New method can make cheaper solar energy storage

Storing solar energy as hydrogen is a promising way for developing comprehensive renewable energy systems.

Solar cells that work on cloudy days just hit a record-breaking 22.1% efficiency

Black silicon solar cells are now real contenders There’s been plenty of good news about

Nanobionics Supercharge Photosynthesis

Could be significant ramifications for energy harvesting and solar energy conversion . . . Carbon

Solar and wind power will be the cheapest forms of energy in the future

A new study demonstrates that an energy system based completely on renewable forms of energy

High efficiency concentrating solar cells move to the rooftop

Ultra-high efficiency solar cells similar to those used in space may now be possible on