solar energy

Solar energy can be cheap, under 2 1/2 cents U.S. per kilowatt-hour, and reliable across China by 2060
via MIT Solar energy can be cheap, under 2 1/2 cents U.S. per kilowatt-hour, and
Wind and solar power development has to increase dramatically to meet climate change threats
?A new study, published in Nature Energy, concludes that the expansion of wind and solar
Ensuring bees benefit from the solar power boom
Pollinators in a solar farm. CREDIT: Solar Energy UK & Sarah Cheesbrough Ensuring bees benefit
New material can store solar energy for months or years
(Image/Smaranda Marinescu) New material can store solar energy for months or years Lancaster University researchers
Sterilizing medical tools off the grid using solar heat
Researchers at MIT and the Indian Institute of Technology have come up with a way
Solar energy storage: storing sunlight in a molecule
via Linköping University Solar energy storage: storing sunlight in a molecule Researchers at Linköping University
A functioning hybrid solar energy converter reaches 85.1 percent efficiency
The hybrid solar energy converter features a solar module with glowing red cells built at
A way to harness the entire spectrum of sunlight for 50 percent more solar power
Researchers have shown, for the first time, that it is possible to collect energy from
Revolutionizing how light is harnessed for solar energy use

Researchers develop new design rule for generating excitons will help advance next-generation devices Researchers at

Bypassing solar cells to produce butanol with microorganisms, carbon dioxide and solar energy

Soon we will be able to replace fossil fuels with a carbon-neutral product created from

A new kind of aerogel can passively capture solar heat

Material developed at MIT can passively capture solar heat for home heating or industrial applications.

Floating solar photovoltaics could generate about 10 percent of U. S. annual electricity production

Technology Already in Widespread Use Overseas, Especially in Japan National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) researchers

Cheaper solar energy using iron instead of expensive rare and expensive metals?

For the first time, researchers have succeeded in creating an iron molecule that can function

A rooftop device that can make solar power and cool buildings at the same time

A new rooftop device under development will be able to produce electricity from sunlight while

Converting solar energy into hydrogen gas with a new method using artificial enzymes

In a new scientific article, researchers at Uppsala University describe how, using a completely new