solar cells

Major leap towards graphene for solar cells

Surprising result: Graphene retains its properties even when coated with silicon Graphene has extreme conductivity

New Connection between Stacked Solar Cells Can Handle Energy of 70,000 Suns

Stacked cells are currently the most efficient cells on the market North Carolina State University

The positive sides of doping

Flexible thin film solar cells that can be produced by roll-to-roll manufacturing are a highly

Plastic Solar Cells’ New Design Promises Bright Future

  Unprecedented fill factors of 80 percent come close to that of silicon solar cells

VIDEO: Electron ‘spin’ key to solar cell breakthrough

Latest research paves way for inexpensive, high performance cells Organic solar cells, a new class

Self-Healing Solar Cells ‘Channel’ Natural Processes

To understand how solar cells heal themselves, look no further than the nearest tree leaf

UCLA researchers double efficiency of novel solar cell

Device could coat windows, smartphone screens with energy-harvesting material Nearly doubling the efficiency of a

Thin-film PV Breakthrough Could Cut Solar Costs By One Third

“We are heading  towards wholesale grid parity several years earlier than expected.” A new Silicon

Dye-sensitized solar cells rival conventional cell efficiency

Dye-sensitized solar cell efficiency has been raised to a record 15% thanks to a new

Microwave Cooks up Solar Cell Material

University of Utah metallurgists used an old microwave oven to produce a nanocrystal semiconductor rapidly

How graphene and friends could harness the Sun’s energy

Combining wonder material graphene with other stunning one-atom thick materials could create the next generation

The Solar Cell That Turns 1 Photon into 2 Electrons

MIT researchers develop an organic solar cell that breaks 100 percent quantum efficiency Solar cells

Peel-and-stick thin film solar cells

Hanyang University in collaboration with Stanford University has succeeded in fabricating peel-and-stick thin film solar

Team creates a low cost thin film photovoltaic device with high energy efficiency

High efficiency in thin film solar cells based on abundantly available and cheap materials A

Trees Used to Create Recyclable, Efficient Solar Cells

  The solar cells can be quickly recycled in water at the end of their