sensor network

Sensors can be released from tiny drones or insects such as moths to traverse difficult spaces
UW researchers have created a sensor system that can ride on the back of a
Electronic tags on sharks, penguins, turtles and other species could help monitor the oceans

Sharks, penguins, turtles and other seagoing species could help humans monitor the oceans by transmitting

Giving robots a human touch with a sensory network similar to a biological nervous system

A new synthetic material that creates a linked sensory network similar to a biological nervous

A new low-cost approach to help manage one of the biggest threats facing the Great Barrier Reef

New, lower-cost help may soon be on the way to help manage one of the

Underwater exploration gets its own battery free sensing system

Submerged system uses the vibration of “piezoelectric” materials to generate power and send and receive

Flying sensors that coordinate to warn communities of pollutants

Gas-sensing drones draw NSF backing Rice University researchers, in a collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine and

A portable device that could sniff out trapped humans caught up in disasters

The first step after buildings collapse from an earthquake, bombing or other disaster is to

The Ocean of Things: An ocean full of low-cost floating sensors

DARPA envisions ocean-based “internet of things” made of small, low-cost floating sensors The internet of

Sensors can be sprayed directly on structural surfaces such as train tracks and aeroplane structures

PolyU develops sprayable sensing network technology for real-time structural health monitoring with larger responsive bandwidth,

Self-sustaining sensor platform for environmental monitoring need no external power source

A recent study, affiliated with UNIST has engineered a self-sustaining sensor platform to continuously monitor

Sensor cable monitors fences of all kinds and can even detect low-level drone fly-bys

Fenced-in areas, such as airports, nuclear power stations, industrial sites, or private plots of land,

Radar networks, innovation against occupational hazard

Researchers at UPM have developed an alarm system for construction vehicles with a low-cost radar