
SEAS researchers have developed a multiscale approach that allows particle-reinforced rubber to bear high loads and resist crack growth over repeated use. Above, cracks grow in the left sample while the cracks in the right sample, made from the multiscale material, remain intact after 350,000 cycles. Credit: Suo Group/Harvard SEAS)
Seriously increasing the longevity of rubber products such as tires
SEAS researchers have developed a multiscale approach that allows particle-reinforced rubber to bear high loads
A new kind of self-repairing rubber made from waste materials could change a lot of things
In addition to the highly useful practical applications, the new paper gives detailed fundamental studies
Reducing tire waste by using completely degradable, synthetic rubber

Scrap tires have been on environmentalists’ blacklist for decades. They pile up in landfills, have

Dandelions could be a sustainable source of rubber

While most farmers are actively trying to kill weeds, researchers in Ohio are trying to

Study points the way toward producing rubber from lettuce

Prickly lettuce, a common weed that has long vexed farmers, has potential as a new

Fraunhofer and Continental come together when the dandelion rubber meets the road

Rubber can be extracted from the juice of the dandelion. Yet the decisive breakthrough to

New Silicone Rubber

It’s a bit like memory foam, but with strength and bounce-ability. If anything bothers University of