robot caregiver

Robot helpers for the joy and sorrow of dementia

Caregivers design robots that increase joyful moments and reduce emotional stress Building robots that can

Robot caregivers safer with new position actuator technology

Robots carry out their tasks more safely if they are controlled by another technology. This

Survey Shows Kids Are Scared Of A Future Where Robots Could Take All Their Jobs

A new survey finds young people increasingly depressed about their prospects for the future With

via Twendy-One
The Future of Robot Caregivers

” What she needs is someone who is always there, who can help with everyday

Robot caregivers help the elderly

Our life expectancy lengthens and members of the ‘silver generation’ make up an ever-larger proportion

Helper Robots Are Steered, Tentatively, to Care for the Aging

“Giving old people robots to talk to is a dystopian view that is being classified