renewable resources

A new non-toxic fire-retardant coating features renewable materials and better protection

    Texas A&M University researchers are developing a new kind of flame-retardant coating using

New renewable raw materials replace the classic non-renewable ones used for making many plastics

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology have developed and analyzed a novel catalyst for the

Doubling the sugar production of plants improves the production of renewable fuels, chemicals, and materials

EPFL chemists have developed a method that can significantly increase the yield of sugars from

On the way to sunshine + pollution = renewable hydrocarbons

A new technology from U of T Engineering is taking a substantial step towards enabling

New solvent triples the rate of return and could tip the renewable fuel market in favor of biomass

Technologies for converting non-edible biomass into chemicals and fuels traditionally made from petroleum exist aplenty.

Plant-based drinking bottles and paints can be easily and inexpensively scaled up

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed an environmentally sound and economical method for

Garden grass could become a source of cheap and clean renewable energy

A team of UK researchers, including experts from Cardiff University’s Cardiff Catalysis Institute, have shown

Adapted Trombe wall now used to both cool and heat buildings using renewable energy sources

Researcher Marwa Dabaieh from Lund University in Sweden has come up with a way to

Renewable planetary resources reach their limits

Humanity should use planetary resources with care Can the world continue expanding its use of