
Recycling old batteries into solar cells

Proposal could divert a dangerous waste stream while producing low-cost photovoltaics This could be a

via PSFK
Coca-Cola’s Arcade Game Runs on Recycled Bottles Instead of Quarters

The ‘Happiness Arcade’ is not a feasible sustainable recycling endeavor You live in a city

Recycling valuable materials used in TVs, car batteries, cell phones

The pilot-scale experiment indicated that the self-supported flower-like nano-Mg(OH)2 had great potential to recycle REEs from

Tire recycling breakthrough for Dutch research team

This breakthrough permits the salvaging of up to 40% of the discarded rubber for the

VIDEO: Houston’s Plan To Make Landfills Extinct

To increase the city’s dismal recycling rates, Houston’s government is trying something else: One Bin

Can we compost our way out of landfills?

  The idea struck me during a meeting. While thoughts of waste don’t routinely course