radar system

Credit: Fraunhofer IZM The polyurethane ceiling unit equipped with four radar modules
New room radar system can help people lead independent lives for longer
Credit: Fraunhofer IZM The polyurethane ceiling unit equipped with four radar modules New room radar
An improved version of radar can be used to monitor babies and burn victims
PhD candidate Ziqian Zhang and Professor Benjamin Eggleton optimising the photonic system – the basis
Radar that can see around corners
Researchers combined artificial intelligence and radar used to track speeders to develop a system that
Archaeologists have revealed an entire Roman city without any digging
GPR time-slice in the case study area, at an estimated depth of 0.75–0.80m. (1) marks
An AI Radar System That Can Spot Miniature Drones 3km away

DGIST announced on Tuesday, July 16 that Senior Researcher Dae-gun Oh’s team in the Collaborative

Monitoring vital signs wirelessly with radar

A radar system developed at the University of Waterloo can wirelessly monitor the vital signs

Could radar replace stethoscopes?

FAU researchers develop procedure for touch-free monitoring of heart sounds In conjunction with researchers at

Managing diabetes with AI and radar technologies

People with diabetes could be able to monitor their blood sugar without drawing blood using

International success for novel Norwegian radar technology

Mine clearing, monitoring of vital signs and robot vision are among the many potential applications

New radar system inspired by dolphins to detect hidden surveillance and explosive devices

TWIPS exploits the natural abilities of dolphins to process their sonar signals to distinguish between

New compact radar has huge potential

Suitable for a broad range of applications, from traffic controls and medical technology to logistics

After Newtown: A new use for a weapons-detecting radar?

Maybe his millimeter-wave radar system could flag weapons on their way in to busy places

How air-traffic control can use television signals to plot aircraft

A NOVEL radar will soon be helping to keep an eye on aircraft flying over