quantum teleportation

Artist’s impression of the quantum teleportation protocol in a network setting. Quantum information is being teleported between two non-neighbouring nodes in the network. Credit: Scixel for QuTech.
A first of its kind important step towards a future quantum Internet
Artist’s impression of the quantum teleportation protocol in a network setting. Quantum information is being
Teleporting information within a diamond has big implications for quantum information technology

Researchers from the Yokohama National University have teleported quantum information securely within the confines of

Complex quantum teleportation moves closer

Novel complex quantum entanglement generated in the laboratory for the first time For future technologies

First teleportation of a quantum gate between two qubits on demand

Yale University researchers have demonstrated one of the key steps in building the architecture for

Breakthrough towards a global quantum network

MPQ scientists achieve long storage times for photonic quantum bits which break the lower bound

Beam me up Scotty! Researchers teleport particle of light six kilometres

Collaboration between quantum scientists and City of Calgary sets a distance record for teleporting a

NIST Team Breaks Distance Record for Quantum Teleportation

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have “teleported” or transferred quantum

Producing spin-entangled electrons: Quantum Teleportation

A team from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, along with collaborators from several

Quantum cryptography at the speed of light: Researchers design first all-photonic repeaters

Quantum computers are on the way, but this technology has implications for another area that

Quantum teleportation breakthrough as researchers send photon of light 15.5 MILES – and it could mean UNBREAKABLE encryption for computer networks

It may not lead to Star Trek teleportation, but researchers have revealed a major breakthrough

Quantum teleportation between atomic systems over long distances

The stable results are an important step towards the quantum communication network of the future.

Quantum Teleportation in Space Explored as Message Encryption Solution

Satellites could be used to beam down powerful data encryption keys that rely on entangled