quantum mechanics

Protecting communications from hackers with a new quantum-based procedure

Researchers at the University of York have shown that a new quantum-based procedure for distributing

Creating Time Crystals – a new form of matter

Physicists create new form of matter that may hold the key to developing quantum machines

Quantum mechanics can provide an unexpected advantage in modelling the big questions

When it comes to studying transportation systems, stock markets and the weather, quantum mechanics is

Beam me up Scotty! Researchers teleport particle of light six kilometres

Collaboration between quantum scientists and City of Calgary sets a distance record for teleporting a

Personal computer bests supercomputers to solve complicated integral equations of quantum mechanics

Russian scientists suggest a PC to solve complex problems tens of times faster than with

NIST Team Proves Spooky Action at a Distance is Really Real

Einstein was wrong about at least one thing: There are, in fact, “spooky actions at