quantum computer

A quantum silicon computer chip that uses light

Light may be the missing ingredient in making usable quantum silicon computer chips, according to

A big step towards the creation of networks of quantum computers

Take a bounce: A microscopic trampoline could help engineers to overcome a major hurdle for

Another quantum leap: the first single-photon transistor using a semiconductor chip

Transistors are tiny switches that form the bedrock of modern computing; billions of them route

Quantum transmission between two solid-state qubits at the push of a button

In the new quantum information technologies, fragile quantum states have to be transferred between distant

How to stop cyber intrusions using Majorana particles

U.S. Army-funded researchers at the University of California in Los Angles have found a proverbial

The plan for quantum supremacy

UCSB/Google researchers in quantum computing professor John Martinis’ group outline their plan for quantum supremacy

Quantum computing: Scientists have shown for the first time that they can make two precisely placed phosphorous atom qubits “talk” to each other

The unique Australian approach of creating quantum bits from precisely positioned individual atoms in silicon

Biological research benefits from the first quantum machine learning study

There have been few examples of a quantum advantage for real-world problems of practical interest This

Can a quantum computer be manufactured using mainly standard silicon technology?

A reimagining of today’s computer chips by UNSW engineers shows how a quantum computer can

Invention of a key component to scale up quantum computing

Sydney team develops microcircuit based on Nobel Prize research Invention of the microwave circulator is

An important step towards the goal of building a large-scale quantum computer

Researchers from Google and the University of California Santa Barbara have taken an important step

Essential quantum computer component downsized by two orders of magnitude

Researchers at IST Austria have built compact photon directional devices. Their micrometer-scale, nonmagnetic devices route

Step by step: New building material for quantum computers

A Danish-American research team has shown that it is possible to produce ‘Majorana particles’ in

The era of fully fledged quantum computers threatens to destroy internet security as we know it

Researchers are in a race against time to prepare new cryptographic techniques before the arrival

An important step toward mass-producible quantum computers

Process for positioning quantum bits in diamond optical circuits could work at large scales. Quantum