programmable materials

Fraunhofer CPM und Fraunhofer ICT/Moritz Walter, Sandra Pappert How the switchable heat storage module works: Targeted activation of the supercooled phase change material (left) makes it possible to release the heat which has been stored in the material over a long period of time with virtually no loss.
Saving 40 percent on cooling energy with programmable home insulation to replace air conditioning
Fraunhofer CPM und Fraunhofer ICT/Moritz Walter, Sandra Pappert How the switchable heat storage module works:
Programmable substances made possible by programmable synthetic materials
Rods of multivariate MOFs (left) can be programmed with different metal atoms (colored balls) to
Solids made from silk protein that can be preprogrammed with biological, chemical, or optical functions

Process enables creation of mechanical components with functionality, such as surgical pins that change color

Light helps develop, activate and control programmable materials

Light of a certain wavelength can be used to put so-called active materials into motion

First step towards “programmable materials“

Researchers from Empa and ETH Zurich have succeeded in producing a prototype of a vibration-damping

Programmable glue made of DNA directs tiny gel bricks to self-assemble

New method could help to reconnect injured organs or build functional human tissues from the

Making living matter programmable

Thirty years ago, the future lay in programming computers. Today, it’s programming cells. That was