
A new biobank built from diseased tissue can be used to unravel the disorders and test drugs

Biomedical researchers at KU Leuven have found a new way to study endometrial diseases such

A new synthetic hydrogels technology for treating wounds in the gut

By combining engineered polymeric materials known as hydrogels with complex intestinal tissue known as organoids

Human colon organoids change the study of GI disease

Stem Cell Derived Organoids Fill Gap in Modeling Common Ailments Scientists used human pluripotent stem

First ethical guideline for research into human organ models

In the latest edition of the professional journal “Science”, Jürgen Knoblich, a leading authority on

Investigators now can grow parts of the human stomach to study disease and model new treatments

Researchers Can Grow Functional Stomach and Intestinal Tissues to Study Diseases, New Drugs Scientists report

Artificial brains offer personalized therapy for brain cancer patients

The ancient Japanese art of flower arranging was the inspiration for a groundbreaking technique to

A breakthrough gel for growing miniaturized body organs for personalized medicine

Organoids are miniature organs that can be grown in the lab from a person’s stem

Mini lungs grown in a lab are successfully transplanted into mice

Synthetic scaffold helps airways reach maturity Researchers at the University of Michigan have transplanted lab-grown

Singapore scientists grow mini human brains

Mini midbrains provide next generation platforms to investigate human brain biology, diseases and therapeutics Scientists

Mini-kidney organoids re-create disease in lab dishes

Stem-cell biology and gene editing advances offer hope for kidney regeneration, drug discovery Mini-kidney organoids

DNA-Guided 3-D Printing of Human Tissue is Unveiled

Technique Produces ‘Organoids’ Useful in Cancer Research, Drug Screening A UCSF-led team has developed a

The ATHENA organ project combines heart, liver, kidney and lung features in a desktop toxicity testing platform. Credit: Image courtesy of Los Alamos National Laboratory
Significant progress toward creating ‘benchtop human’ reported

Scientists are reporting significant progress toward creating “homo minutus” — a benchtop human. Researchers have

Growing model brains: An embryonic idea

A group of stem-cell biologists have grown an “organoid” that resembles a brain REGENERATIVE medicine,