open-source community

A major report on the current state of all available open-source software for publishing

Mellon-funded report Mind the Gap catalogs and analyzes all available open-source software for publishing and

Open-source software platform makes it possible for anyone to see and share 3-D nanoscale imagery

Now it’s possible for anyone to see and share 3-D nanoscale imagery with a new

Delivering the internet of the future – at the speed of light and open sourced

New research has found, for the first time, a scientific solution that enables future internet

Making a Difference with Open Source Science Equipment

Science can be expensive. But making customized scientific equipment doesn’t have to be. Researchers at

New gold standard established for open and reproducible research

Open access isn’t as open as you think, especially when there are corporate interests involved

Heartbleed Logo (Photo credit: theglobalpanorama)
Heartbleed Highlights a Contradiction in the Web

Much of the invisible backbone of websites from Google to Amazon to the Federal Bureau