open research

A call to all scientific disciplines to make data open and accessible

Institutions, science funders, data repositories, publishers, researchers and scientific societies from all scientific disciplines must

‘Open science’ paves new pathway to develop malaria drugs

Malaria remains one of the world’s leading causes of mortality in developing countries. Last year

Research publishing: Open science

Old-fashioned ways of reporting new discoveries are holding back medical research. Some scientists are pushing

Sci-Hub: The Fix Isn’t In

A college librarian’s take on technology – Barbara Fister By now, you’ve probably heard of

New gold standard established for open and reproducible research

Open access isn’t as open as you think, especially when there are corporate interests involved

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Making research findings freely available is an essential aid to medical progress, experts say

Medical researchers explore how open access publications could help moderate and reduce the vast waste

Scientific publishing: Changing Nature

IN THE world of academic publishing, it is hard to get more traditional than Nature. The