Organic light-emitting devices and printed electronics can be connected to a socket in the wall
For the first time, it has been possible to produce functional OLED electrodes from graphene.
New molecules promise cheaper, more efficient OLED displays Harvard University researchers have designed more than
In more than three years of work european scientists finally made future lighting technology ready to
Researchers develop highly efficient, solution-processed fluorescence organic light-emitting diodes using “Pure-organic” emitters A team led
Demonstrating a strategy that could form the basis for a new class of electronic devices
Princeton University researchers have developed a new method to increase the brightness, efficiency and clarity
Flickering façades, curved monitors, flashing clothing, fluorescent wallpaper, flexible solar cells – and all printable.
The OLED can be repeatedly stretched, folded and twisted at room temperature while still remaining
The OLEDs are transparent when switched off BASF and Philips have achieved a practical breakthrough