oil spill cleanup

New highly porous sponge selectively soaks up oil while sparing water and wildlife
via Northwestern University New highly porous sponge selectively soaks up oil while sparing water and
In the future it could be possible to remove oil spills on the surface of the ocean by using magnets

An interdisciplinary group of researchers at FAU led by Prof. Dr. Marcus Halik has developed

Making oil-soaked soil fertile again

Rice University-led study fine-tunes pyrolysis technique to make soil fertile again Rice University engineers have

Inexpensive wastewater cleaning technology efficiently cleans water from oil products leaving it virtually pollution-free

Wastewater cleaning technology created at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania efficiently cleans water from

Oil spill breakthrough: First and only option to effectively and efficiently adsorb oil and other petroleum products below the water surface

Argonne National Laboratory researchers have invented a technology for recovering oil and other petroleum products

Using magnets and nanoparticles to remove oil from water

When oil mixes with or enters into water, conventional methods of cleaning the water and

A reusable sponge that soaks up surface and water column oil repeatedly hundreds of times

The material not only easily absorbs oil from water, but is also reusable and can

A new coating that easily separates oil from water could make oil cleanup faster. Credit: American Chemical Society
New smart coating could make oil-spill cleanup faster and more efficient

The separation was instantaneous and more efficient than existing films, and it only took one

Cleaning oil spills with paper mill sludge

Eco-innovation is at its best when the waste of one industry becomes the raw material

Peat Moss: The New Tool for Oil-Spill Clean-Ups?

  Kallak Torvstrøfabrikk in Trøgstad in eastern Norway has developed a peat moss mixture with