ocean acidification

Ocean acidification could have serious consequences for millions of people globally

Scientists say that only significant cuts in fossil fuel emissions will prevent changes to the

Ocean acidification caused by high levels of human-made CO2 is dissolving the seafloor

Alterations to seabed raise fears for future The ocean floor as we know it is

Electrogeochemistry can capture carbon, produce fuel, and even offset ocean acidification

Researchers analyze global potential for ‘negative emissions energy’ using electricity from renewable sources to generate

Marine incentives programs work to address multiple ocean threats

Incentives that are designed to enable smarter use of the ocean while also protecting marine

Ocean Scientists Recommend Plan to Combat Changes to Seawater Chemistry

Scientific panel including Scripps Oceanography geochemist warns on accelerating rate of ocean acidification along West

Protecting Coral Reefs with Bubbles to Reduce Acidity

Bubbles – yes, bubbles – could help protect coral reefs, oyster farms, and other coastal

Understanding the world’s oceans more essential than ever to secure the future of our planet

A greater understanding and appreciation of our oceans is essential for the wellbeing of the

Ocean acidification may cause dramatic changes to phytoplankton

Study finds many species may die out and others may migrate significantly as ocean acidification

A glimmer of hope for corals as baby reef-builders cope with acidifying oceans

While the threat of coral bleaching as a result of climate change poses a serious

Small algae with great potential

Unique laboratory experiment shows rapid evolutionary adaptation to ocean acidification and warming The single most

The future of the oceans: Acid test

The world’s seas are becoming more acidic. How much that matters is not yet clear.