nerve regeneration

A neuron-growing ink uses the body’s own electrical signals to precisely guide the growth of nerve cells offering nerve injury hope
Magnified images show neurons growing in a line along the bioconductive ink and growing in
Could a re-engineered enzyme help reverse damage from spinal cord injury and stroke?
In this rendering of the enzyme chondroitinase ABC, point mutations are represented by red balls.
Electrical stimulation a week before surgery causes nerves to regenerate three to five times faster
Electrical stimulation a week before surgery causes nerves to regenerate three to five times faster
Regenerating damaged nerves without the need for transplanting stem cells or a donor nerve
Lauren Kokai, Ph.D., (left) developed the technology used for this project when she was a
Nerve regeneration gets gene therapy help

Researchers from the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN) and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)

Biodegradable implant provides electrical stimulation that speeds nerve regeneration

Researchers demonstrate first example of a bioelectronic medicine Northwestern University and Washington University School of

Finding could pave road to regrowth after traumatic injuries, stroke and spinal damage

Biological Sciences Assistant Project Scientist Kyung Won Kim (left) and Professor Yishi Jin. Discovery Offers

Innovative nerve regeneration approach nearly as good as surgical nerve transplant

Regenerating Damaged Nerves with “Pac-Man” Cells Biomedical engineers have found an unlikely ally in the

Researchers activate repair program for nerve fibers

Releasing molecular brake allowed damaged neurons to regenerate Injuries to the spinal cord can cause

3D-Printed Guide Helps Regrow Complex Nerves After Injury

Research could help more than 200,000 people annually who suffer from nerve injuries or disease

Medical breakthrough gives hope for disabled to regain use of limbs

Scientists hope to give people back the use of disabled arms and legs after a

Reversing Paralysis with a Restorative Gel

TAU researchers develop implant to regenerate nerves Some parts of the body, like the liver,

Making Axons Branch and Grow to Help Nerve Regeneration After Injury

This was a promising result for developing potential therapies One molecule makes nerve cells grow