muscle repair

A promising drug that has proven to significantly increase muscle size, strength and metabolic state in aged mice

Elderly to feel fitter, faster and stronger Researchers from The University of Texas Medical Branch

Using a magnetic field to speed up muscle recovery

Non-invasive magnetic stimulation ‘tricks’ muscle cells into thinking that they are exercising, and amplifies the

Researchers see promising results in treating age-related decline in muscle mass and power

A proof-of-concept, phase 2 trial by an international research team has found promising results for a myostatin

Chinese scientists claim stem-cell breakthrough for injuries

It can generate enough stem cells to heal permanent wounds, especially those caused externally, said

Research finds turbo-charging hormone can regrow the heart

Researchers have discovered a way to stimulate muscle regrowth in the heart of a mouse,

Photo by L. Brian Stauffer University of Illinois kinesiology and community health professor Marni Boppart studies the mechanisms that enable muscles to recover and grow stronger after exercise.
Stem cells aid muscle repair and strengthening after resistance exercise

A new study in mice reveals that mesenchymal (mezz-EN-chem-uhl) stem cells (MSCs) help rejuvenate skeletal