
Memristors set to revolutionise current technology by orders of magnitude in terms of energy cost
via Royal Society of Chemistry Memristors set to revolutionise current technology by orders of magnitude
Did extremely energy-efficient artificial intelligence just get closer to reality?
A wafer filled with memristors CREDIT Courtesy of UCL Did extremely energy-efficient artificial intelligence just
New neuromorphic “brain-on-a-chip” device could lead to portable AI devices
The new chip (top left) is patterned with tens of thousands of artificial synapses, or
Linking artificial and brain neurons via the internet
via University of Southampton Linking artificial and brain neurons via the internet Research on novel
Artificial synapses made from nanowires function in much the same way as a biological nerve cell

Scientists from Jülich together with colleagues from Aachen and Turin have produced a memristive element

Memristors for general computing could could cut energy consumption by a factor of 100

A new way of arranging advanced computer components called memristors on a chip could enable

Cybersecurity has an analog memory hardware solution to a digital problem

UCSB researchers use emerging memory devices to develop electronic circuits for cybersecurity applications While we

New memristor-based neural network is dramatically more efficient

U-M researchers created a reservoir computing system that reduces training time and improves capacity of

A hybrid biological and electronic device that can “learn”

Italian research team creates hybrid device that can “learn” Most of us know pectin as

A Tiny Computing Machine

UCSB electrical and computer engineers design an infinitesimal computing device In 1959 renowned physicist Richard

First demonstration of brain-inspired memristor device to power artificial systems

New research, led by the University of Southampton, has demonstrated that a nanoscale device, called

Looks like Moore’s Law is going to continue for a while

Along with the fast development of modern information technology, charge-based memories, such as DRAM and

Computers that Mimic the Function of the Brain

A new step forward in memristor technology could bring us closer to brain-like computing Researchers