
Altering or even erasing traumatic memories
via Texas A&M University Altering or even erasing traumatic memories Texas A&M researchers have found
For the first time: techniques that can correct false recollections without damaging true memories
via University of Portsmouth For the first time: techniques that can correct false recollections without
A shot in the dark: Can traumatic memories be erased?
The team found that flies kept in the dark were unable to maintain a pre-established
The secret to how memories form and fade?

Strong memories are encoded by teams of neurons working together in synchrony Why is it

Neuroscientists have located the cells that help reprogram long-lasting memories of traumatic experiences

Neuroscientists at EPFL have located the cells that help reprogram long-lasting memories of traumatic experiences

Is it possible that RNA can be used to awaken, restore, alter or even even transfer memories?

Research in marine snails could lead to new treatments to restore memories and alter traumatic

A clue to how traumatic memories could be controlled and the cruel blockade on new memories lifted

University of Sussex scientists have made a telling breakthrough in detailing the formation of ‘flashbulb

A method to selectively erase particular fear memories

Findings by UC Riverside team have therapeutic implications in PTSD and phobias Researchers at the

PTSD could be ‘erased’ without affecting normal memory of past events

New study of snail neurons suggests memories that trigger anxiety, PTSD could be ‘erased’ without

Neuroscientists reverse memories’ emotional associations

MIT study also identifies the brain circuit that links feelings to memories. Most memories have