medical diagnostics

Wireless handheld spectrometer costs less than $300 and can enable remote medical diagnostics

Spectral images, which contain more color information than is obtainable with a typical camera, reveal

New analysis technology could revolutionise medical diagnostics

Scientists at ETH Zurich and Roche have developed a completely new method for the analysis

Low-cost self-powered paper-based medical diagnostic tools even non-experts can understand

A new medical-diagnostic device made out of paper detects biomarkers and identifies diseases by performing

Diagnostics: Retina selfie

A new machine can look into the eye for signs of ill health WHETHER or

URI researchers invent lab-on-paper for rapid, inexpensive medical diagnostics

A team of University of Rhode Island engineers led by Professor Mohammad Faghri has created
App turns a smartphone into a portable medical diagnostic device

A new app which turns any smartphone into a portable medical diagnostic device could help

Paper-based device could bring medical testing to remote locales

Scientists are now reporting progress toward an inexpensive point-of-care, paper-based device to fill that void