marine ecosystems

SeaClear Project: Clearing the seabed of plastics
via TUM Various robot vehicles are networked with one another in the SeaClear system. An
Artificial intelligence program that can automatically provide species-level identification of microscopic marine organisms

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) program that can automatically provide species-level identification of

Fishing for DNA: Free-floating eDNA identifies presence and abundance of ocean life

Fish leave bits of DNA behind that researchers can collect. Mark Stoeckle/Diane Rome Peebles images,

Using natural attraction to control the crown-of-thorns starfish population that is killing coral

An American who fell in love with both the Great Barrier Reef and his wife

Marine incentives programs work to address multiple ocean threats

Incentives that are designed to enable smarter use of the ocean while also protecting marine

Drone to police massive UK marine reserve

An ocean-going drone will be helping to spot illegal fishing in the world’s largest, continuous

Tough times for the tree of life on coral reefs

Marine scientists are calling for a re-think of how marine protected areas (MPAs) are planned

Global trends show seabird populations dropped 70 percent since 1950s

UBC research shows world’s monitored seabird populations have dropped 70 per cent since the 1950s,

The oceans can’t take any more: researchers fear a fundamental change in the oceans

Our oceans need an immediate and substantial reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. If that

Disappearance of Coral Reefs, Drastically Altered Marine Food Web on the Horizon

If current climate trends follow historical precedent, ocean ecosystems will be in state of flux