Liquid crystal

Flexible liquid crystal devices using highly functional organic materials

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) and McGill University have developed a new

Blue-phase liquid crystal displays could triple television and computer screen resolution

An international team of researchers has developed a new blue-phase liquid crystal that could enable

Rubber lasers, liquid crystal elastomer material, with incredible properties

Liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs), essentially rubbers with liquid crystal properties, can do a number of

The Stifteverband Science Prize for scientific excellence in Germany was awarded to: Dr. Holger Kretzschmann (Nematel), Werner Stehr and Susanne Beyer-Faiß (Dr. Tillwich GmbH), Dr. Andreas Kailer and Dr. Tobias Amann (Fraunhofer IWM). © © Dirk Mahler/Fraunhofer
Liquid crystal as lubricant – virtually no friction

Thanks to a new lubricant, small gears can run with virtually no friction. Made from