
Woody lignin, seen here in purified form, holds significant promise as a renewable biofuel, if it can be efficiently broken down into useful form. (Photo by Andrea Starr | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
A lignin digesting enzyme offers tremendous potential for renewable energy and materials
Woody lignin, seen here in purified form, holds significant promise as a renewable biofuel, if
Hydrogen production from biomass
Schematic diagram of byproduct production and hydrogen evolution through lignin decomposition Hydrogen production from biomass
Moving from petroleum to wood in the chemical industry would lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions
HOW IT WORKS To extract chemicals from wood, it is first split into a solid
Producing plastic from plants with an engineered microbe

With a few genetic tweaks, a type of soil bacteria with an appetite for hydrocarbons

Converting plant waste into sustainable and high-value products such as nylon, plastics, chemicals, and fuels

A new family of enzymes has been discovered which paves the way to convert plant

A fuel cell that uses lignin

Researchers from the Laboratory of Organic Electronics at LiU have developed a fuel cell that

Turning waste lignin into carbon fiber for cars and planes

Using plants and trees to make products such as paper or ethanol leaves behind a