Life Span

With age, the researchers found that the protein Ppp1r17 tends to leave the nucleus of the neurons, and when that happens, the neurons in the hypothalamus send weaker signals. With less use, the nervous system wiring throughout the white adipose tissue gradually retracts, and what was once a dense network of interconnecting nerves (left) becomes sparse (right). Credit: Kyohei Tokizane
When specific brain cells are activated could lifespan be increased?
With age, the researchers found that the protein Ppp1r17 tends to leave the nucleus of
Extending lifespan by 500 percent – in worms
via Lifeboat Foundation Article Highlights Discovery of Cellular Mechanisms Could Open Door to More Effective
Life-extending effects in worms could one day translate into treatments that delay ageing in humans

Yale-NUS researchers discover drug cocktail that increases lifespan A team of researchers led by Principal

Researchers have devised a way to estimate whether an individual can expect to live longer or shorter than average

By studying the effect of genetic variations on lifespan across the human genome, researchers have

Instead of life extension focus on health extension

Clinicians, scientists and public health professionals should proudly “declare victory” in their efforts to extend

Senolytic drugs reverse damage caused by senescent cells extending health and life spans in mice

NIH-funded researchers see extended health span and life span in treated mice Injecting senescent cells

Extending life span with a drug that may mimic caloric restriction – in roundworms

UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers find that an FDA-approved drug to treat high blood pressure seems

Maximum and average lifespans could continue to increase far into the foreseeable future

New study finds no evidence that maximum lifespan has stopped increasing Emma Morano passed away

The search to extend lifespan is gaining ground, but can we truly reverse the biology of ageing?

A potential anti-ageing drug is likely to be more effective at maintaining health than extending

Mayo Researchers Extend Lifespan in Mice by as Much as 35 Percent

Researchers at Mayo Clinic have shown that senescent cells – cells that no longer divide

white mouse (Photo credit: iklash/?)
Experimental Drug Prolongs Life Span in Mice by 4x

Drug could potentially be used to treat human diseases that cause accelerated aging Northwestern Medicine®