insect repellent

This is what the ring looks like that could help repel insects. CREDIT Uni Halle / Fanfan Du
3D printed wearable insect repellent device
This is what the ring looks like that could help repel insects. CREDIT: Uni Halle
Yes, catnip shows promise as a new natural insect repellent
via Northwestern University Yes, catnip shows promise as a new natural insect repellent Could catnip
Biodegradable crop protection products without risks or side effects

Traditional insecticides are killers: they not only kill pests, they also endanger bees and other

Scientists Find Insect DEET Receptors, Develop Safe Alternatives to DEET

UC Riverside research has large implications for controlling insect-borne diseases worldwide Insects are repelled by N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide,