gut bacteria

Gut bacteria use a molecular language as interspecies communication to talk to their mammalian hosts

Study describes molecular language bacteria use to control host genes and development Bacteria in the

Using chemical compounds to target and inhibit the growth of specific microbes in the gut to help inhibit or stop disease

Emerging evidence suggests that microbes in the digestive system have a big influence on human

Is healthy aging predicated by the bacteria in your gut?

In one of the largest microbiota studies conducted in humans, researchers at Western University,Lawson Health Research

Worm Infection Counters Inflammatory Bowel Disease by Drastically Changing Gut Microbiome

Parasitic infection enables helpful bacteria to displace harmful ones in mice and humans Infection with

Gut bacteria could be blamed for obesity and diabetes

An excess of bacteria in the gut can change the way the liver processes fat

Altering Community of Gut Bacteria Promotes Health and Increases Lifespan

Our data suggest that we should be able to impact health span and life span

Why eating bacteria could be the future of medicine

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology have found that ingesting the right kinds of