genomic medicine

A significant new frontier in medical diagnostics: “Fingerprinting” individual human cells

Researchers have developed a method that allows them to identify single cells with a unique

Lighting up cancer-causing mutations as if by magic

LumosVar — a name inspired by Harry Potter — could help physicians provide genomic-based treatments

Creating a human reference genome, entirely from scratch, for less than $10,000

A team spanning Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University, Texas Children’s Hospital and the Broad

Genomics takes a leap forward after finding the delete button on DNA

Until recently, genomics was a «read-only» science. But scientists led by Rory Johnson at the

Precision Medicine: Can We Afford it? Can We afford Not to Explore it?

Imagine that the next time your doctor orders a round of tests, in addition to

New company plans to revolutionize genomic medicine with deep learning

Deep learning has already had a huge impact on computer vision and speech recognition, and