environmental fix

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers built a prototype natural gas furnace that uses acidic gas reduction technology to remove or trap potentially environmentally harmful emissions. Credit: ORNL, U.S. Dept, of Energy
A “catalytic converter” to capture gas furnace emissions
Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers built a prototype natural gas furnace that uses acidic gas
Aspirin helps humans but what if it could help ecosystem restoration with major benefits for the environment and agriculture?
via Curtin University Aspirin helps humans but what if it could help ecosystem restoration with
Transformative changes needed to restore and protect nature

Current global response insufficient; ‘Transformative changes’ needed to restore and protect nature; Opposition from vested

Are climate-friendly cattle farms possible with a genetic breakthrough on tropical grass?

The discovery of genes responsible for asexual reproduction in a tropical grass may reduce negative

Saving beaches and money with natural seagrass

Seagrass beds are so effective in protecting tropical beaches from erosion, that they can reduce

Sustainable Fishing: Easy Solution for Shrimpers and Smelt Alike

For the past four years, trawlers on the West Coast have been hauling in vast

Stanford scientists help shed light on key component of China’s pollution problem

Study reveals scale of nitrogen’s effect on people and ecosystems. It’s no secret that China