energy efficiency

New approach to large data streaming computing boosts energy efficiency by up to 54 times

A European research project led by Chalmers University of Technology has launched a set of

New microchip demonstrates 29 percent efficiency savings and scalable design for data centers

Increased power and slashed energy consumption for data centers Princeton University researchers have built a

Scientists Developing a DIY Paint-on Coating for Energy Efficient Windows

Low-cost coating would disrupt the building retrofit market and potentially save billions in electricity It’s

Williams uses F1 tech to reduce the energy consumption of supermarket refrigerators by up to 41.5 percent

A new aerodynamic device has the potential to reduce the energy consumption of supermarket refrigerators

Plant Virus Can Help Boil Water 3X Faster

A combination of nanotechnology and a virus found on tobacco could save huge amounts of

Innovative, Lower Cost Sensors and Controls Yield Better Energy Efficiency

Regulating comfort in small commercial buildings could become more efficient and less expensive thanks to

Carbon nanoballs can greatly contribute to sustainable energy supply

Researchers at Chalmers have discovered that the insulation plastic used in high-voltage cables can withstand

Nanotechnology aids in cooling electrons without external sources – huge energy savings potential

A team of researchers has discovered a way to cool electrons to -228 °C without

Courtesy of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Electricity use slashed by 57% with efficiency controls for heating, cooling

Commercial buildings could cut their heating and cooling electricity use by an average of 57

engine efficiency
New energy conversion principle could double engine efficiency

According to Naitoh, the method is expected to be lower in cost than use of

Futuristic water-recycling shower cuts bills by over $1,000

In space, astronauts go for years without a fresh supply of water. Floating in a

1930s Home Goes Green

A 1930s house built in 2008 is about to undergo the first of three energy efficiency upgrades which will ultimately convert an energy inefficient house into a zero carbon home