DNA computing

DNA molecules that can carry out reprogrammable computations, for the first time

Computer design meets potions class: A little of vial 1 and a little of vial

Can DNA be programmed to deliver cancer drugs?

Engineers control cellular proteins with biological computing DNA has an important job—it tells your cells

DNA circuits starting to compute

Electronic circuits are found in almost everything from smartphones to spacecraft and are useful in

DNA-based computers get a step closer

HZDR researchers conduct electricity using DNA-based nanowires Tinier than the AIDS virus – that is

Researchers develop DNA-based single-electron electronic devices

Nature has inspired generations of people, offering a plethora of different materials for innovations. One

Scientists engineer tunable DNA for electronics applications

DNA may be the blueprint of life, but it’s also a molecule made from just

DNA ‘origami’ could help build faster, cheaper computer chips

Electronics manufacturers constantly hunt for ways to make faster, cheaper computer chips, often by cutting

The next step in DNA computing: GPS mapping?

Conventional silicon-based computing, which has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent decades, is pushing

Researchers perform DNA computation in living cells

Chemists from North Carolina State Univ. have performed a DNA-based logic-gate operation within a human