disease outbreaks

A simple approach to accurately predict disease outbreaks
via Royal Society Publishing Article Highlights Infectious diseases have a substantially growing impact on the
An important new disease surveillance tool can detect any human virus to help disease outbreak monitoring

Computational method helps scientists examine microbes at a larger, more comprehensive scale than previously possible

How a disease outbreak affects a group of animals depends on the breakdown of ages in the population

How a disease outbreak affects a group of animals depends on the breakdown of ages

Introducing disease-resistant mosquitoes to help fight dengue and eventually malaria

Boosting natural ability of mosquito to fight disease could reduce spread of infection Researchers from

Computerized Surveillance System Quickly Detects Disease Outbreaks Among Preschoolers

University of Michigan research shows web-based system could help improve detection and response to spread

What 11 Billion People Mean for Disease Outbreaks

The explosive growth of the human population—from 2.5 billion to 6 billion since the second