
New non-invasive blood-glucose test uses a laser with effective results

Device uses laser technology to detect glucose levels under the skin, an alternative to painful

A new approach to weight loss and diabetes prevention via an anti-inflammatory protein

UNC School of Medicine researchers led by Jenny Ting, PhD, and colleagues, publish a new

Long-term reversal of Type 1 diabetes in both humans and dogs

What if instead of daily insulin injections or wearing pumps, just getting a shot every

Managing diabetes with AI and radar technologies

People with diabetes could be able to monitor their blood sugar without drawing blood using

Could “surgery in a pill” instead of gastric bypass surgery be an equally effective treatment for reversing type 2 diabetes?

Orally administered material temporarily coats the intestine, reduces blood sugar spikes in preclinical study Over

Shape-conforming hydrogel bandage accelerates healing in diabetic wounds

Shape-conforming hydrogel leverages the body’s own healing mechanisms rather than releasing drugs or biologics A

Could the pandemics of fatty liver disease and prediabetes be mitigated by finding the molecular switch?

Carbs, Fats and Protein: One molecule to rule them all? Duke researchers have identified a

Revolution in diabetes monitoring – and it is bloodless

Scientists have created a non-invasive, adhesive patch, which promises the measurement of glucose levels through

A common high blood pressure drug could help prevent the onset of Type 1 diabetes in up to 60 percent of those at risk

Common blood pressure medicine blocks molecule that can trigger the disease A drug commonly used to

Can type 2 diabetes be treated with electronic modulation of the cartoid sinus nerve?

The team lead by Sílvia Vilares Conde, from CEDOC-NOVA Medical School, in collaboration with the

Restoring normal blood glucose levels in mice with type 1 diabetes using gene therapy

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease in which the immune system attacks and destroys

Could a removable implant revolutionize control of type 1 diabetes?

For the more than 1 million Americans who live with type 1 diabetes, daily insulin

Dissolvable microneedle skin patch for type 2 diabetes

NIH animal study shows dissolvable microneedles trigger body’s own insulin response For millions of people

Scientists modify CRISPR to epigenetically treat diabetes, kidney disease, muscular dystrophy

Approach could also be applied to reversing aging and age-related diseases such as hearing loss

Can a very low calorie diet reverse type 2 diabetes?

In a new study, a Yale-led research team uncovers how a very low calorie diet