
New depression detection tool: Depression reveals itself in social media images

When you’re feeling blue, your photos turn bluer, too. And more gray and dark as

LSD reduces activity in the region of the brain related to the handling of negative emotions like fear

Scientists at the University of Basel have shown that LSD reduces activity in the region

Bloodtest can determine which medication is more likely to help a patient overcome depression

Doctors for the first time can determine which medication is more likely to help a

Participants report significantly less depression and anxiety by using IntelliCare apps on smartphones

Speedy mini-apps are designed to address depression and anxiety Soon you can seek mental health

Treating depression with a video game interface that targets underlying cognitive issues

Participants using a game-based app report benefits Researchers have found promising results for treating depression

Diagnosing depression before it starts

Brain scans may identify children who are vulnerable to depression, before symptoms appear A new

New Depression Diagnosis and Treatment

Major depression now believed to be caused by abnormalities in immune cells of the brain;

First Blood Test to Diagnose Depression in Adults

Test identifies nine blood markers tied to depression; predicts who will benefit from therapy The

ball-and-stick model of (R)-ketamine (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Researchers identify new compound to treat depression

Fast-acting ketamine by-product – may be future therapy for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s There is new hope

frankincense tree (Photo credit: Alexbip)
Burning Incense Is Psychoactive: New Class Of Antidepressants Might Be Right Under Our Noses

Burning frankincense (resin from the Boswellia plant) activates poorly understood ion channels in the brain

Visual Antidepressant! (CC) (Photo credit: Purple Sherbet Photography)
A Fast-Acting Antidepressant Appears Within Reach – Hours not Weeks

Study in mice suggests drug could bring new benefits in treating depression by lifting mood

via Medical University of Vienna
Depression is detectable in the blood

Researchers at the MedUni Vienna have demonstrated the possibility of using a blood test to

English: A dramatic photo shot of nasal spray in action. A hand sprays a mist of nasal spray droplets on a black background. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Nasal spray delivers new type of depression treatment

Peptide holds promise of new therapeutic approach A nasal spray that delivers a peptide to

This breakthrough drug relieves depression in just one dose

A well-known party drug known for its hallucinogenic properties has been shown to be a

Ketamine Cousin Rapidly Lifts Depression Without Side Effects

GLYX-13, a molecular cousin to ketamine, induces similar antidepressant results without the street drug side effects