deep sea mining

Sources of noise from deep-sea mining activities will span the entire water column.
Noise from one deep-sea mine alone could travel approximately 500 kilometers (roughly 311 miles)
Sources of noise from deep-sea mining activities will span the entire water column. Noise from
Brisingid asteroid on manganese encrusted rock with nodules. Credit: DeepCCZ
There are just too many unknowns for deep-sea mining
Brisingid asteroid on manganese encrusted rock with nodules. Credit: DeepCCZ There are just too many
Will deep-seabed min­ing last­ingly dis­rupt the sea­floor food web?
Sampling in the DISCOL area. Some larger animals recover faster than microbes. However, especially organisms
Deep sea mining could threaten midwater ecosystems
Midwater animal biodiversity that could be affected by deep sea mining. Photo credit: E. Goetze,
A “gold rush” of seabed mining could lead to unprecedented damage to fragile deep-sea ecosystems

A “gold rush” of seabed mining could lead to unprecedented damage to fragile deep-sea ecosystems, researchers

Deep-sea mining will result in unavoidable biodiversity loss

Biodiversity losses from deep-sea mining are unavoidable and possibly irrevocable, an international team of 15

The project will extract ores of copper, gold and other valuable metals from a depth of 1,500m
Agreement reached on deep sea mining

Plans to open the world’s first mine in the deep ocean have moved significantly closer

An ecosystem-based approach to protect the deep sea from mining

Five hundred miles southeast of Hawai’i, in international waters far out of sight of any